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Santa's Posse Toy and Food Dropoff at the Event Center



How it works: Come and drop off new, unwrapped toys and non-perishable foods.

Thank you for your support of Santa's Posse!


Where: 17402 NE Delfel Rd, Exhibition Hall, Ridgefield, WA 98642


Save the Date! Delivery Day

When: starts at 8:00 am, until all deliveries are complete. 


How it works: Please come and help Santa’s Posse drop off gift deliveries to 1,500 families this year!


Come in the  fairgrounds by the Clark County Sheriffs Office West Precinct on 179th. We will have you drive and stage along the fairgrounds until getting to the exhibition hall building C.  We will ask you how many families you want to deliver to then load your car with that many bags.  We will not be able to take requests for locations but have implemented a system so that you will get bags all in the same area to ensure your not driving from one side of town to the other. Thanks again for all your support, we could not do this without you!


Where: 17402 NE Delfel Rd, Exhibition Hall, Ridgefield, WA 98642

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